Clubs & Activities

Middle School Climbing Club

TSACS offers seasonal, two-month climbing club experiences. Running once per week after school and utilizing our very own state-of-the-art bordering wall, students and community kids learn about rock climbing, team-work, work-ethic, and creativity through this unique offering in our community.

Mt. Bachelor Ski Program

Since 1980, TSACS has offered a ski program at Mt. Batchelor for students in grades Kindergarten to 8th. The program runs January and February with four full Thursdays spent on the mountain. The students are enrolled in ski/snowboard lessons with Mt. Bachelor instructors. TSACS students and families enjoy this truly unique offering.

After-school Care Program

Aftercare is available for students PK-8th grade from 3:30PM-6:00PM, Monday-Thursday. When weather is nice, students play outside together, and when weather turns, aftercare moves into our gymnasium. If you are interested in enrolling your student in this program, let us know!